Wednesday 4 June 2014

BeautyCon NYC!!!

I know I know I've been slacking on the posts bare with me I'm trying to get used to this. But I attended Beautycon NYC!!!!! omg it was sooooo fun! I went with my two cousins Lowe Lo and poochie.
Let me just say beauty con was EVERYTHING I wanted it to be and more. I got to meet a lot of you tubers that I've made cyber friendships with in real life for the first time which was cool, And NYX also hooked all the youtubers up with big ole makeup bags full of stuff! I swear i don't need to buy any makeup for a year! I was very lucky to receive a "Talent" All access pass to go anywhere I wanted which was super exciting for me because I don't feel like I'm anywhere near being a "guru" or like some big time youtuber, but I was able to get a pass to hang out in the private areas amongst gurus like kandee johnson! cray cray. I hung out with my Baes Raye (itsmyrayeraye) and monica (monicastylemuse)
always a good time around those guys :)
Beautycon had everything from bouncy houses to alcohol lol, I will be editing my vlog soon for my youtube channel for you guys to see! NOWWWW as for my outfit I wanted to channel my love for the 90s and of course aaliyah. I like to think i made this outfit my own.
I wore all red everything. I love the colour red and i wanted to make a statement. My baseball jersey was plain which was perfect so it didn't clash with anything, I got that from Ebay. Then my tommy hilfiger bra was actually a DIY out of an american apparel bra and tommy boxers (tutorial coming soon) then of course my boxers were tommy followed with some red jeans by asos. Then my shoes are reebok kamikaze. And this outfit was not about to go with a purse so i opted for an all red backpack I got on ebay for about £12
I was getting stopped all day about my outfit so I'm super excited lol. It was crazy too how so many people recognised me from youtube! I took so many pictures with my subscribers and truthfully wanted to cry! I expected to go there as just a youtube watcher and meet the big you tubers but there i was getting the same treatment they was and people recognising me! crazy!!! god is so good and it was such a nice feeling to know theres people out there that love what i do! because if there wasn't i may as well shutdown my youtube page now so i thank every single one of you........

All in all i had an amazing time and i hope to do it again next year!!

Friday 16 May 2014


Im in New Jersey! So yesterday I flew into new jersey on my way to New York. Im only here for a night and then I'm off to New york. so whilst I was in Jersey I went to my old neighbourhood in Newark where I grew up. Mannnnn it felt so good to be back in a neighbourhood that brought me such joy growing up. I got to see all my cousins from NJ and introduce them to my husband which was cool. We came straight from the airport so this is the outfit I wore to travel in. All black keeping it casual. My jacket is a black bomber from Ebay and my shirt is an oversized black tee with gold detail zippers going up the side which I got from Topman, I got it in size XL which I paired with some faux snakeskin leather skinny's that I DIY'd myself! I got the snakeskin pants from the thrift store for £1.00! crazy. Then on my feet I'm wearing my black Giuseppe zanotti sneakers with gold bar details and snakeskin toe detail. I wanted to compliment the black with gold accessories so I wore a simple gold link bracelet with matching necklace which I bought from claire's accessories. And my glasses are black ray bans with gold details on the side, Then of course I stole my husbands gold Rolex HA! 

Monday 12 May 2014


Yoooooo Its Tootsie Time and Welcome to my blog!

I decided to start this blog because there are just some things I don't want to flood all over my instagram or twitter and some things that are just not worth filming for youtube. So for others interested in some of the same things I am, this blog is for you!

on this blog I'll be posting my ootd details with pics and details to what everything is and where I got it. Im going to try and do this daily which won't be realistic because i don't get dressed everyday lol. so Ill do ootd whenever I get dressed. 

I will also be doing mini reviews and sharing products I like, I mean if i buy a new hair product or makeup item, even skin care stuff anything I will be posting my thoughts the good and bad. 

Apart from that I will post my youtube videos on here and maybe some DIY'S that aren't worth making a video on I will do pictorials instead. If there is anything you would like to see on my blog don't hesitate to ask! I think I've just about covered everything so watch   this space ill be posting soon :) peaceeeeeee!